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Advice for Moving: A Quick Relocation Checklist

Relocating for the first time, whether for business or something else entirely, can cause a certain amount of stress. You have to take so many planning steps that it’s easy to forget some of the most basic and crucial. Luckily, people have been relocating for a long time, so it’s easy to find great advice for moving. A quick relocation checklist, like the one below, will help you remember the essentials when the big moving day arrives.

Consider What’s Included

The specific living materials available at any given temporary housing location will vary. To pack your belongings accordingly, you have to know what the housing service is providing to you. Furniture and certain home amenities come with many temporary living spaces. For example, our corporate housing in Corpus Christi, TX, comes with furniture and washer/dryer units, meaning you won’t have to go out and purchase them yourself.

Typically, when you’re moving into corporate housing or a furnished apartment, you’ll need to bring belongings such as clothes, medicines, work-related materials, and toiletries—in other words, very personal items. Once you know what you don’t have to bring, narrowing down what you do have to bring becomes much easier.

Plan Ahead

Waiting until the last minute is your worst enemy in this scenario. Unfortunately, holding off on key planning decisions until close to the relocation day isn’t rare. Packing, moving, and transportation are all areas where people struggle to schedule properly. Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us, but it is avoidable.

For instance, by packing a day or two before the move, you can correct any issues you run into, such as missing toiletries. Likewise, buy plane tickets a month or two in advance. The sooner you solidify these factors, the more time you’ll have to address any unforeseen problems.


To put it lightly, double-checking is one of the most crucial pieces of advice for moving. A quick relocation checklist would not be complete without this tip. It sounds straightforward, but once again, many travelers slip up in this department. When you’re packing belongings for any trip, it’s easy for certain essentials to slip your mind.

To ensure you don’t forget anything important, double-check your belongings before departing your home or apartment. Before the big moving day arrives, put together a list of all the items you have to bring. That way, when double-checking your belongings, you won’t have to rely on your memory and risk forgetting your toothbrush, computer charger, and so forth.

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